The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect

A small change, such as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings can cause a typhoon on the other side of the world. This is called the Butterfly Effect. Look it up. It’s fascinating.

  • Making small, positive changes can greatly affect your life.
  • Butterflies go through a challenging journey during their metamorphosis, teaching us about transformation. The butterfly’s story encourages us to let go of the old and embrace the new, and to recognize that personal growth often requires us to undergo transformative experiences. (Like learning to ride a horse!)
  • The butterfly's delicate beauty and ability to fly shows the power of resilience and endurance in the face of adversity.  
  • The butterfly teaches us a life lesson–to persevere through challenges, to trust in your strengths, and to believe that you have the ability to overcome and emerge stronger.
  • Remember, this is your story. You are capable of anything.
  • Everything is going to work out.
  • Love yourself. Don’t compare yourself.
  • Flap your wings, fly through life, spreading love as you go.
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