Before I joined Bridle Up Hope I was hopeless.
I had very unhealthy habits that I thought would stick with me forever. I thought that I wasn't good enough for others or even myself. My first lesson on September 29, 2023 changed me forever.
Cherie is my instructor and I couldn't love her more. She has pushed me through my unhealthy habits and made me change forever. Since I was a little girl I loved horses. When my mom showed me this program I had dreams about going to Bridle Up Hope. Look at me now, I never thought I would be me again. This program has made me look through my trauma and realize that nothing is my fault and whatever you go through is just another mountain you can climb. These girls at Bridle Up Hope are so intelligent, kind, and proactive. I can see that they have moved on from their past and are making a brighter future for themselves just like me. This program will forever stick with me. Bridle Up Hope has taught me many life lessons I will carry on into my future.
Bridle Up Hope is my home and passion.
- Kelsey Zawalksi