It was nothing like I expected.

It was nothing like I expected.

Bridle Up Hope was nothing like I expected, and it healed me more than I ever thought would be possible with equestrian training. I started the program feeling like I couldn’t stand up for myself. I felt broken. This program helped me find my voice.

The way the instructors encouraged me and helped me set realistic goals made me realize that I was capable of more than I gave myself credit for. It was incredible to learn how to handle situations in my own life through experiences with the horses.

Looking back, I see how far I’ve come from the start of the program. I have gained confidence, I have deepened my respect for myself, and I feel more in control of situations with my peers. Gaining an understanding of horses in this setting has honestly improved every aspect of my life. I never thought equestrian programs could be so life-changing.

I am forever grateful for Bridle Up Hope being a part of my healing process, and helping me through one of the hardest times of my life.


Names changed to protect privacy

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