Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

You've done something remarkable! Somewhere here in Utah, a young girl or woman is reaching out for help to overcome low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, trauma, or abuse and because of your generosity we are able to help them find the hope, confidence, and resilience to live their best life. Thank you!

This past year was incredible as we found ways to work around the pandemic, brought in new leadership, and still served more girls and women than any previous year. In the past two years we have increased the number of girls served annually from 82 in 2019 to 239 in 2021. And to top it all off we had our biggest and best fundraising year ever! All of this made possible by you, our community, and our incredible Bridle Up Hope team.

This year, 2022, is the year of our 10-year anniversary and we have some big dreams and goals to achieve so we can help more girls and women find hope and healing.

Our biggest goal is to complete our build-out so we can serve up to 500 girls and women here at our Alpine location and add 3-5 new locations around the state. To do that we have some big projects at the barn that need completion and a lot of funds yet to raise. At our recent gala, generous donations were made to complete our stables, build our hay barn, and construct our grassy amphitheater, just in time for a big 10-year celebration concert this Fall. We still need funding for our outdoor covered round pen that will allow us to do more lessons in the cold winter months. We are excited for these projects and even more excited to expand our reach and impact on mental health issues around the state. As our co-founder Rebecca Covey says, "When you save one girl, you save a generation!"

We have so much work to do and need your help! If you know a girl or woman who is struggling, please have them reach out to our program director, Nicole, at (801) 885-6815 or sign up at www.bridleuphope.org/sign-up. Remember, we provide scholarships and never turn anyone away. And, if you or someone you know has the means to support us financially, please refer them to me, Shar, at (801) 821-8673 or donate at www.bridleuphope.org/donate. In addition to our big major gift and facility donors we are seeking 500 individuals to donate just $10 per month as a recurring monthly donation. This will provide 25+ scholarships this year.

We are so grateful you are a part of our barn family. From all of us at Bridle Up Hope and the girls and women we serve, thank you and Happy New Year!

Shar Lewis
Bridle Up Hope Executive Director

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